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For a press release to be successful it must include the who, what, why, where and when. For example, the who includes your company name, and spokesperson’s first name, last name and job title.
The what, is your product/service name and concise explanation of what it does or is. The where is where you are and where people can learn more about your product or service. The when is, for software, the general availability date. The why, is why your product/service solves a business problem and why it is special.
Third party endorsement quotes, whether it’s from satisfied customers, industry analysts or other respected sources -- helps strengthen your message and enhance your credibility. Remember to include a destination URL where people can find out more about your product and/or service offerings.
We choose to run news that we think will be the most interesting and helpful to our readers. If we need more clarification about your news we will contact you.
What we need from you
- All in one email, please send the Press release (in Word) - exclude claims such as; world’s leading, first and only
- Photos of spokesperson
1- (280 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) LANDSCAPE, and
2- (170 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) PORTRAIT in color or black and white, please label the photo using the convention Company_Lastname1.format (e.g. IBM_Smith1.jpg) for the 280 x 210 version and Company_Lastname2.format (e.g. IBM_Smith2.jpg) for the 170 x 210 version.
Once we have your company’s spokesperson’s photo in our system, we will not need it again. Please include with subsequent email submissions a note that the photos are on file. If you are not sure send the photos anyway.
You will receive an email from our product department once your news is scheduled, with a run date and time.

If you have an idea for a feature, please send us a short proposal and we’ll let you know if we think it is something our reader’s what to know about. If you have an article that is already finished, send it for review and we’ll let you know if it interests us.
Feature articles must either teach the reader something that they can use in their job or take a thought leadership position in the space. Aim for 2500 words but, word count is secondary – it is far more important to tell a story that has a discernable beginning, middle and end. The author’s goal is to impress the reader that the breadth and depth of knowledge they possess on the topic is so significant that the reader feels compelled to contact the author or his company.
Feature articles are not advertisements. Feel free to briefly use your product/service to illustrate how and why the problem can be solved. Write in a conversational tone and communicate with the reader – do not preach to them. Confine your writing to what you know best.
You don’t have to be a professional writer to write a good piece. What you need is specialized knowledge that the reader finds valuable. Our editors will review your piece prior to publication and contact you for clarification – if needed.
Illustrations to accompany your article are welcomed and should be prepared for low resolution, Internet viewing. Width should not exceed 450 pixels.
Please provide the following:
- Article (in Word)
- Author Bio (in Word) A great author bio includes the author(s)’ major professional accomplishments and current job description
- Photos of the author
1- (280 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) LANDSCAPE, and
2- (170 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) PORTRAIT in color or black and white, please label the photo using the convention Company_Lastname1.format (e.g. IBM_Smith1.jpg) for the 280 x 210 version and Company_Lastname2.format (e.g. IBM_Smith2.jpg) for the 170 x 210 version.

We run many Roundtables that focus on each of the major topic areas we cover. Speak your mind and let your voice be heard on the most important issues of the day.
Submissions can range from 50 to 500 words. If you have more to say than what will fit into 500 words, you are really writing a Thought Leader feature (see Feature submission guidelines). What makes a great roundtable submission is answering the question with a laser focus and avoid digressing into ancillary concepts.
We need from you:
- Please provide your contribution and bio (in Word)
- Photos of contributor
1- (280 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) LANDSCAPE, and
2- (170 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) PORTRAIT in color or black and white, please label the photo using the convention Company_Lastname1.format (e.g. IBM_Smith1.jpg) for the 280 x 210 version and Company_Lastname2.format (e.g. IBM_Smith2.jpg) for the 170 x 210 version.
- Company URL

Success Stories
Success Stories are case studies of how your product/service made a significant impact for a customer.
Please provide
- Case study as a PDF file
- Descriptive Text consisting of an introductory paragraph, The Challenge, The Solution, and The Benefit in Word
- Indicate the Industry and Solution Area that is appropriate
- Provide a graphic 180 pixels wide x 90 pixels high (landscape)
- Provide company and contact information

If you have a Webinar to promote, please provide us with the following in Word:
Contact URL or email:
Lead Paragraph (short description to appear on front page):
Description (approximately 100 words):
Additionally, an
Image (180 x 90 pixels in .JPG or .GIF format): Company, product logo or other appropriate graphic.

If you have a event to promote, provide us with the following in Word:
Venue (name of the hotel, convention center):
Location Detail (within the venue)
Contact URL or email:
Lead Paragraph (short description to appear on front page):
Description (approximately 100 words):
Additionally, an
Image (180 x 90 pixels in .JPG or .GIF format): Company, product logo or other appropriate graphic.

We choose to excerpt books we feel our readers will find useful in their professional lives. Send reading copies to: 119 Rockland Center, #214 • Nanuet, NY 10954 . If we feel your book will make an excellent addition to our Editor’s Bookshelf, we will contact you to arrange publishing an excerpt.
If accepted we will need the following information in Word:
Author Names
Author Bios
Link to Publisher’s Web site
Lead Paragraph (short description to appear on front page):
Book Description (approximately 100 words):
Review, if any:
Review Author, if any
Additonally, the following in the proper format:
Book cover JPG measuring 170 x 210 pixels
Excerpt in PDF

People in The News
People in the News stories can be either an internal promotion within your company, a new hire, someone granted a patent, elected to the board, receiving a new technical certification or winning an award. Our favorite is, a person who has done something for the general benefit of society.
It should not exceed 750 words but should include the person’s job title and responsibilities, past professional accomplishments and contact information.
If you have multiple announcements, please break them into individual submissions and provide:
- Press Release (in Word)
- Photos,
1- (280 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) LANDSCAPE, and
2- (170 pixels wide x 210 pixels high) PORTRAIT in color or black and white.
Please label the photo using the convention Company_Lastname1.format (e.g. IBM_Smith1.jpg) for the 280 x 210 version and Company_Lastname2.format (e.g. IBM_Smith2.jpg) for the 170 x 210 version.

Contact Us
Simplex Knowledge Company
119 Rockland Center, #214
Nanuet, NY 10954
General Information
S-OX News Desk