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Sarbanes Oxley : Technology : Thought Leader
Ten Years: SOX Shifts from Compliance to Better Governance
On the tenth anniversary of the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, the world is taking stock. What is evident, especially among leading organizations, is that SOX compliance has moved beyond being just a regulatory obligation. Today it is viewed in the context of a larger Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) program that is closely integrated with strategic decision-making, aligned with business goals, and enabled by technology.
Shellye Archambeau
MetricStream, Inc.

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Sarbanes Oxley
> Critical Malware Protection To Ensure Compliance
> Bringing Tech and Business Together
> Putting the Data into Context: What it Means to You
> Add Business Value and Gain Competitive Advantage
> More Protection for Whistleblowers
> Amendments to the False Claims Act: Public Disclosure Bar
> Demystifying a Mature and Cost-effective SOX Program
> Assessing Enterprise Risk in the Cloud
> What’s Coming Down the Pike for Identity and Access Management?
> Five Things Every Internal Auditor Should Be Doing
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