Economics has long been referred to as "the dismal science," and there is no doubt the struggling global economy has created a negative perception around the science of economics in general.
According to a new “pulse poll ” from the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), data security, regulatory oversight, and longevity are the most important factors behind rising investor confidence levels in U.S. stock exchanges.
Deterring and detecting fraud within an organization is the responsibility of several groups: financial executives, boards of directors, audit committees, internal auditors and external auditors.
The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) begins with a node titled Information Management, which recognizes the relationship between the normal information handling practices of an organization, and the impact those practices have on the electronic discovery process.
Trintech, a leading global provider of integrated software solutions for the Last Mile of Finance, has released this case study illustrating how international food retailer Delhaize Group has implemented its AssureNET GL software for financial process compliance.